Shy-K9s FAQ Addendum - Socialization

Although early socialization is important, it can not be emphasized enough that this does not necessarily mean that puppies should be adopted at very young ages in order to be well-adjusted. In fact, as long as the breeder and dam see to their socialization needs, puppies are best left with their litter until they are at least 7 weeks old, some people would claim 9 or 10 weeks is better. Puppies who are separated from their litters and dams at young ages are more likely to have problems with other dogs and sometimes humans. The communication skills they learn from their dam after 5 weeks of age are vital to the rest of their lives, and this education shouldn't be short-changed. Many people mistakenly believe it's easier to bond to a puppy if they get him as young as possible, even bottle-raise him themselves, but this is actually counterproductive. After all, service dogs are often not placed with their owners until they are 2-3 years old, and service dogs must bond very closely with their disabled owner.

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